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Liturgical Ministries

Reading the Lesson, Leading the Intercessions and Assisting as a Eucharistic Minister are the three Liturgical Ministries performed at each Mass.  You should have a commitment to the task and a sense of devotion, with trust in God and in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you and develop within you a sense of reverence, dignity and privilege in carrying out these sacred tasks.


When Reading the Lesson you will be Proclaiming the Word of God, and you are seeking to inspire the congregation as well as to instruct.  You should aim for clarity and simplicity in your presentation to help ensure the understanding of the congregation.  It is very helpful if you have a copy of the lesson so that you can practise at home.


The Intercessor leads us all in prayers to God, for His kindness to us, for the needs of the world - especially in troubled areas, thanksgivings for the Church and for the sick and needy as well as the departed.


Eucharistic Ministers assist the Priest at Mass in giving Communion, and special training is provided.  Anyone undertaking this office has to be approved by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and is then licensed by the Bishop.


Training is also available for those Reading the Lesson and for Intercessors.  It is a great help if you are a regular worshipper as this will enable you to feel at ease for your particular task.  There is no particular dress code but it does help if you look smart.


These duties are allocated on a rota basis, covering two or three months at a time, which endeavours to take into account any notified unavailability.


If you feel called to any of these ministries then please speak to any of the clergy.

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