Service Times
9:00am Morning Prayer
9:30am Mass
5:30pm Evening Prayer
9:00am Morning Prayer
6.30pm Evening Prayer
7.15pm Mass
9:00am Morning Prayer
6.30pm Evening Prayer
7.15pm Mass
9:00am Morning Prayer
9:30am Mass (coffee after Mass)
5:30pm Evening Prayer
9:00am Morning Prayer
9.30am Celebration of Word &
Holy Communion
8:30am Morning Prayer
9:00am Mass
5:30pm Evening Prayer
Sunday Services
At 8.00am the service, which takes place in the Lady Chapel, is a simple celebration of the Mass according to the Book of Common Prayer, with its beautiful and resonant language.
At 9.15am the Solemn Parish Mass is celebrated at the High Altar. We welcome all ages to worship and there are children’s activities in the Church Hall. There is incense, traditional hymns, a choral setting and music led by our All Age Choir. The service lasts about an hour and a quarter.
At 11.15am the Sung Parish Mass is celebrated at a Nave Altar, using a simpler choral setting, well-known hymns and newer songs. There are activities for children in the Bell Tower. The Service lasts about an hour.
Both 9.15am and 11.15am Masses sometimes include a baptism. For more details follow this link.
This is our regular pattern of worship. But do please check the bulletin for details of forthcoming Special Services and Festivals. These may be additional services or changes to times of regular services. For more information please see Special Services and Festivals.