Children & Youth Work
Young Church
During both the 9.15am and 11.15am Sunday masses during school term-time, St Martin’s holds Young Church in the Church Hall. Young Church has been developed over many years to be more than a traditional Sunday School, giving young children the opportunity to take part in enjoyable worship and fun teaching as well as activities especially geared to suit them.
At Young Church we follow the Gospel and make it enjoyable and child friendly, with fun activities, games and crafts. We have a group of craft leaders who provide crafts every week and a number of helpers who assist the children and make sure the children are safe and enjoy their time.
The children begin the service in Church and go out to the Hall shortly after the start, returning later on in the service for the time of communion so that families begin and end the service together.
All children are welcome to participate in Young Church at whichever of the two services you are attending – just ask a Sidesman or women if you are unsure about how your children can join in.
Toddler Group
St Martin's Baby and Toddler Group runs on Friday mornings during term-time between 10am and 12.00 noon, in the Church Hall.
The cost for a session is £2 for 1 adult and £1 per child.
Parents, grandparents and child-minders are all welcome to bring along their babies and toddlers.
Come and play with your children in a fun, safe environment, and meet other parents and children. A variety of toys and crafts is provided, plus a sing-along session at the end of the morning.
Refreshments are available. All are welcome!
All of our helpers are DAB checked.
Youth Mass
St Martin’s values the contribution of our young people in our life together. Many young people are involved in many areas such as serving, in the choir and with our Young Church.
In addition once a term, on a Sunday evening, those who have been confirmed or are at High School are welcome to attend our Youth Mass. The Youth Mass includes activities and food and involves young people from surrounding churches. This event aims to be a place where the gifts and visions of young people are encouraged, realised and implemented.
We also have regular trips and events to support and encourage our young people at St Martin’s.