How St Martin’s works
It is easy to assume that everything happening at St Martin's is the responsibility of the clergy. In fact, the focus of our clergy is to care for souls and to proclaim the Gospel in Ruislip - leading the Sunday and daily worship and encouraging mission. This requires us, the community of St Martin's, to provide a wide-ranging support system to keep our church running smoothly.
If you are interested in contributing to this important work, please speak to a churchwarden or one of our clergy.
The support system is coordinated by the PCC - the Parochial Church Council - but that is not the full story. Hover your cursor over (or touch if using a touch-screen) the diagram below to see details of the PCC, its sub-committees and the other contributors who help to ensure that St Martin's continues to thrive.
Safeguarding, Health & Safety
Our Safeguarding Officer and Health & Safety Adviser determine the policies that underpin the wellbeing of everyone who uses our church, hall and churchyards.
Deanery Synod
The Deanery Synod provides a link between the churches comprosing the Hillingdon Deanery, of which St Martin's is one, and the Diocese of London as well as the wider Church of England.
Social Committee
The Social Committee organises events such as the Harvest Supper as well as the catering for receptions in the hall, for example the party held after the Confirmation service.
Fabric Committee
The Fabric Committee supports the work of the churchwardens in ensuring that the church, its contents and the churchyards are well maintained and safeguarded for future generations.
Discipleship in Action Committee
The Discipleship in Action Committee drives initiatives to promote the mission of our church among its congregations and in the wider community.
Parochial Church Council (PCC)
The parochial church council (PCC) is made up of the parish clergy and elected representatives from our congregation.
The PCC is our church’s governing body and also the board of trustees which oversees the church’s charitable works and money.
Click here for more details.
Hall Committee
The Hall Committee ensures that the hall and its contents are properly maintained, so that it continues to be a safe and attractive venue for its many users, including our commercial hirers.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee supports the work of the Treasurer in accounting for past financial performance, controlling how our funds are used and projecting future financial needs.
The PCC employs a Director of Music, a Parish Adminstrator and a Cleaner.
The churchwardens have a legally defined role, detailed here.
Standing Committee
A subset of the PCC who address any matters arising between PCC meetings
Volunteer Activities
A great deal of work that goes into the wide range of activities at St Martin's, much of it unseen, is carried out by members of our community who willingly give up their time for the greater good. A number of examples are detailed here.