9:15 Coffee Rota
Coffee, tea and squash are served in the hall after the 9:15am Mass on Sundays. This is a wonderful opportunity for members of the congregation to meet with old friends, to make new friends and to welcome new members and visitors.
Drinks are served by a team of volunteers of two or more people on a rota basis. No special skills are required and full instructions are given. We just ask that you bring the milk and everything else is provided.
Each team is on duty approximately seven times a year, but with more volunteers this would be less often, so if you enjoy your cup of coffee or tea with us on Sunday mornings, please think about joining in on the other side of the counter occasionally. This is a great way of meeting other people in the congregation and an enjoyable way of contributing to the social fabric of St Martin’s.
If you would like to get involved then please contact the Parish Office.
11:15 Wine Rota
After the 11.15am Sunday Mass wine and soft drinks are served at the back of the church. Those partaking are asked to make an optional donation to church funds.
Volunteers on the wine rota are responsible for setting out the table and glasses, serving the drinks and washing up afterwards. The wine and soft drinks are usually delivered and removed by the cellarer of the Mass. It is usual to have two volunteers (often related!) on duty each Sunday and occasionally volunteers have brought along light snacks (at their own expense) but this is not expected.
The work is not onerous and there is the opportunity to meet all those who stay behind for pre-lunch drinks in an extremely cordial atmosphere. The frequency of the duties depends on the number of volunteers.
If you would be interested in helping out on the wine rota then we would love to hear from you. Please contact the Parish Office.