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Friends of St Martin's

Our Story


Domesday's reference to a priest holding forty to sixty acres of land in Ruislip implies that a church, perhaps wooden, existed here from at least the eleventh century. Love and care over the centuries has enabled the community of Ruislip to have access to the marvellous building we have today and, by joining Friends of St Martin’s, you can help ensure that tradition continues.


Friends of St Martin's was originally formed in 1971 to bring together all those who love this historic church and who wish to help with its care by contributing to the cost of maintenance and restoration of the building. Friends re-launched in 2012, and one of our first fund-raising events, the summer festival weekend, raised over £5000.


St Martin's church is full of history and has so many stories to tell. It is however increasingly difficult for the congregation alone to meet the cost of the work needed to preserve the fabric of the church.


Friends regularly organise fundraising events such as quiz nights, talks, musical evenings and garden open days.


Details of the projects Friends supports, and how funds are spent, are provided in newsletters that are regularly sent to all Friends of St Martin’s members, many of whom come from outside the present congregation.


We would love to welcome you as a member. By joining Friends, you can help to preserve the church, and its historic importance to Ruislip, so that it can be enjoyed by all for generations to come. The level of involvement you have is entirely up to you: some members work on the committee, others help through their financial support, and others help by attending our fund-raising events.


For further information, please contact Jacqueline Alderton via the Parish Office.

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