Prayer Support Group
The Prayer Support Group has been in existence since the late 1990s and provides a means of supporting the parish, its people and its activities through prayer.
The Group numbers more than 20, and members - those who are able - meet to pray together in the Church on every third Tuesday of the month for up to an hour. However, one of the features of this ministry is that it can be undertaken by those who are unable to serve the Church in a physically active way, or who may be housebound or frail.
Members of the Group commit to:
- pray for those who have asked for our prayers on the intercessions board in the Church, in the bulletin, and in personal requests;
- pray for the work of the parish - people, events and projects;
- pray for those with whom St Martin’s has special links (St Anselm's, Hayes; Father Nick in Rio de Janeiro; Bishop Abraham, the priests and people of Wiawso in Ghana);
- pray for issues of local, national or international urgency and importance;
- pray daily at home from a prayer sheet prepared each month;
- maintain confidentiality.
If you feel called to the ‘quiet ministry’ of prayer support you will be most welcome. To find out more please speak to Deirdre Davis.
Prayer is powerful!